Heather Hayashi

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Trusting means Playing?

Since October, I've sensed God asking me to trust Him on a different level. Perhaps He is wanting me to mature and grow up a little more. In the past, trusting looked like praying and talking and journaling to God about the things that were concerning me. But since October, I've sensed God asking me to then put my pen down and play with child-like faith.

This is my 'trust journal' and a little stone inukshuk I found at a second-hand shop. I liked this definition: "Inukshuk . . . .means "in the likeness of a human" in the Inuit language. They are monuments made of unworked stones that are used by the Inuit for communication and survival. The traditional meaning of the inukshuk is "Someone was here" or "You are on the right path."

I bought a specific  journal, call it my 'trust journal' and have used it to write down my initial concern or worry, one at a time. Then,  I close it up until God reveals His answer or provision. Some pages are still blank. Some pages filled up quickly with amazing and practical ways that God brought provision. And some pages there came a surprising answer. (I still use my regular journal for day to day stuff...but every time I run into a new challenge or something that concerns me, I enter it into my trust journal.)

Each time I close my trust journal,  it signifies that I'm expecting God to handle it. I don't need to scenario-ize, or figure out what the best way might be. It means waiting, expectantly.

"In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;
     in the morning I lay my requests before you
    and wait expectantly.  Psalm 5:3

When kids trust their parents, they wait. If they've been promised a candy at the end of a grocery shopping errand, they wait expectantly until they get to the end. Complaining or figuring out where the candy is or running to it ahead of time does not speed up the moment of candy-receiving. It comes at the end. 

So, it leaves me some extra time in my day. My brain feels free to create, to think clearly, to pray, to organize, to love and laugh. For me, this is true too with my physical state. I'm waiting for an MRI in February to find answers to some symptoms that I've been experiencing. The temptation to search google for answers, to investigate and try to understand everything ahead of time, is very real, very attractive and offers a sense of security. But it is a false sense. 

Jesus said, "The Father is with me. I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be UNSHAKABLE and ASSURED, DEEPLY AT PEACE.  In this godless world, you will continue to experience difficulties, but take heart! I've conquered the world!" John 16:32-33

I want to be unshakable, assured and deeply at peace. That comes from trusting, not worrying, not figuring out, not educating ourselves obsessively, but trusting. 

Are there some things that you might be ready to let go of? Hand over to God for His answers, His provision, His timing?

I will pray for you today, that you will trust Him with those things and find a renewed desire to play, to rest and to laugh. Kids believe their parents know more than them and are okay with that. They want to play. What would you do if you felt permission to play? What might that look like for you?

I'd love to hear from you, either here (on the comments below) or in a separate email. What is God up to in your life and how is He relieving you from the burden of needing to know or be in control? And if so, what does that look like for you?