Heather Hayashi

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Happy Crunching

It's been three years of drinking my food: soups, smoothies, juice, water, milk, shakes, coffee, V8's, yogurt, ice cream, jello, pudding, broth and veggie juice, boost and ensure.

This plan provided pain relief and nutrition while doctors monitored my situation. I am grateful for nutrition, I really am. But I've gotta say that blending EVERYTHING can get a little monotonous. 

I'm happy to say that after a few procedures and some new medicine, I'm able to eat solid food now and loving it!

Texture, color, crunch . . . anything solid! 

I've been enjoying making colorful salads with lots of variety in texture and taste and chew-ability! However, I  found that if I made a large salad, it tended to get a big soggy if it wasn't eaten right away.

Here's what I came up with and is a hit with the family too . . . 

In about 15 minutes of chopping, I can prepare a whole stack of pre-made salads with color and texture and crunch and variety.

The single serving sizes fit well in the fridge and make it easy for everyone in the family to grab one after school or if they're headed out to a practice or work.

It works well too, to use as an addition to a burger, sandwich or pita that is lacking some color. Its just nice to have things prepped and ready to go. 

(Now my next challenge is to find some tiny salad dressing containers that I can add in for the take-out option. Hmmm...)

So, join with me, raise your fork . . . here's to chewing, nutrition and solid food!  Cheers!

Also, I'm happy to announce that The Carrot Coffeehouse is now selling my sock animals! If you haven't been down to Alberta Avenue in awhile, take a look. They are doing an amazing job of revitalizing the neighborhood and building community there. They have a dvd available in the coffee shop of the story of how they, as a community, took back their neighborhood by playing board games on the street corners, walking dogs together at night asking the city to open a dog off-leash area in a park where drug deals were frequent and the sex trade was active. Crime has decreased by 20% in that area and the city has poured money and resources into supporting the work this community is doing. Its really cool. I had no idea. They were successful in having a corrupt hotel demolished, hosting street festivals in winter and summer and street hockey tournaments with 5 blocks reserved for the community. The city is 100% behind what is happening there and the residents call it a small town within a big city. Neighbors know each other, support each other and work together to rebuild the community. It's quite remarkable.

Next time you're on that side of town, stop into The Carrot Coffeehouse for coffee, (which is really good, by the way) and take a look around. :)