Heather Hayashi

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Old, New and Same

Today, if you haven’t already, you might be starting to think about the New Year, make some resolutions or declare that that tradition is nonsense. Whatever you choose to do, let me encourage you a little.

Some of the things that you’ve had, or have been doing in your life, have been good and can stay the same in the next year. Some of the things you’ve held onto, it may be time to let them go. And some new things can be started! We are always starting or finishing or in the middle of something. And so if you feel a bit torn as to what your focus should be for the next year, you’re not alone. Today can be a strange day. And the idea of starting a new year may even freak you out a little, especially if you haven’t taken some time to reflect or pray or journal out your internal processing.

But here’s a little tip: You can do all that stuff next week! Or next month!

You’re probably tired, and full of pie and gingerbread candy. You may have had family with you or been working through the holidays. You may feel a little out of sorts. It is a weird two weeks of schedules and lifestyle changes, along with people and good and bad expectations. You may just be in a foggy place in your heart and mind.

So perhaps it’s better to take a nap, eat a salad, go for a walk or clean a bathroom. Maybe our bodies need to regroup and relax and stretch. Maybe after a busy December and new schedules starting in a few days, it would be better to slowly reflect and process things over the next month.

This tradition of making resolutions is VERY optional.

There are habits, like planning your schedule, mapping out the calendar, preparing for busy days that are good and healthy and will pay off later for sure! So do those!

But planning a whole year? Reflecting on the past year? Today may not be the day for that.

For me? I offer this with grace, to you, and to me, because I too am tired. It’s been a good and full few weeks of family being close and enjoying time together. My heart is full but my body is exhausted.

I’m tempted by the fresh thinking of a New Year. I love new calendars. I love new journal books and a fresh, black, fine tipped pen. But . . . I also know about myself that the reason NEW is exciting is because what is old and the same is my chronic pain life. It’s difficult and complex and exhausing and defeating. So if I can ramp up my excitement to thing about something new, then I’m all in!!! However, 27 years of chronic pain has provided the opportunity to understand my temptations, my desire to avoid reality. Reality is hard.

So, what will I do today? Today, along with some dishes, and tidying up the house and pain management, I will listen to what God wants to say . . . and I encourage you to join me in this.

Not in a Hurry - Will Reagan